“Robocop” – Mar 20th

Join the Boston Sunday Night Film Club this Sunday, Mar 20th at 7:30p for Robocop at the Somerville Theatre . Look for Sean wearing a nametag in the theatre lobby about 15 minutes before the film. As always, after the film we will descend on a local establishment for dinner/drinks/discussion.

Note: The Somerville is showing Robocop as part of a double-feature with The Terminator. While the 5:30p showing of The Terminator may not be an ‘official’ club film, there may be some of us there.

“Detroit – in the future – is crime ridden, and run by a massive company. The company have developed a huge crime fighting robot, which unfortunately develops a rather dangerous glitch. The company sees a way to get back in favour with the public when a cop called Alex Murphy is killed by a street gang. Murphys body is reconstructed within a steel shell and named Robocop. The Robocop is very successful against criminals, and becomes a target of supervillian Boddicker”

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