Back on January 12th, 2003, the first meeting of the Boston Sunday Night Film Club, started by Heather, occurred. The club has now met 464 times, starting out with The Pianist and most recently seeing Zero Dark Thirty. While the club struggled a bit early on, these days we have a great core of people who come out regularly to watch and discuss movies. We’ve watched as members meet, get married and have children. That’s not to say we don’t have room for more. Feel free to join us any old Sunday, we’re always looking for new friends.
Many, many thanks to all of the people who have helped keep this club alive, especially to the coterie of “pinch-hitters” who have filled in when I’ve been unable to make it.
Below the cut is a list of all of the movies we’ve seen… While you could get all this information by plowing through the archives of this blog, I thought I’d make it easy.
See you Sunday!
Continue reading Happy 10th Anniversary
We are taking the holiday weekend off, have a happy and safe one!
An early heads up: The movie for 12/16 (not this week) will be The Hobbit in High Frame Rate (48fps) 3D at Fenway at 7pm. Â This is twice the usual frame rate of a normal film, even higher than television. Â It is the first film being released in this format, so it should be interesting.
This is opening weekend of a big film, you should be sure to
grab tickets ahead of time.
The Boston Sunday Night Film Club will be taking this Sunday (September 2nd) off in observance of Labor Day. We will return the following Sunday, September 9th.
We’ll be taking this Sunday off to watch The Oscars! Â We’ll return the following sunday, March 4th.
See you next year!
No movie this Sunday, happy thanksgiving!
The Sunday Night Film Club (SNFC) will NOT be meeting this Sunday, August 28th. Â The National Weather Service is predicting that Hurricane Irene will be hitting the Boston area some time Sunday evening, and I’d rather be overly cautious.
The Sunday Night Film Club (SNFC) is taking this Sunday, July 3rd off to celebrate the national holiday. Â We will return the following Sunday, July 10th.
The 9th Annual Independent Film Festival of Boston runs from April 27th through May 4th, and tickets andpasses are now on sale!  This festival is truly great and anyone who is a fan of movies really should head over to the schedule and learn about what is showing.  Many other cities have their own film festivals, but IFFBoston is really catered to the general moviegoing audience in Boston.  Many of the screenings often have special guests and Q&A sessions, and there are also some panel discussions and parties.  Of course, if you’re like me, you’ll feel like the parties are just distracting you from seeing more movies.
The official club selection for the festival is “Another Earth” at 7:30pm on Sunday, May 1st.  I’ll send out the usual newsletter that week, but I wanted to give those of you who are interested a head start, as tickets often sell out.
Hope to see you at the festival!