2011 Independent Film Festival of Boston: 4/27-5/4

The 9th Annual Independent Film Festival of Boston runs from April 27th through May 4th, and tickets andpasses are now on sale!  This festival is truly great and anyone who is a fan of movies really should head over to the schedule and learn about what is showing.  Many other cities have their own film festivals, but IFFBoston is really catered to the general moviegoing audience in Boston.  Many of the screenings often have special guests and Q&A sessions, and there are also some panel discussions and parties.  Of course, if you’re like me, you’ll feel like the parties are just distracting you from seeing more movies.

The official club selection for the festival is “Another Earth” at 7:30pm on Sunday, May 1st.  I’ll send out the usual newsletter that week, but I wanted to give those of you who are interested a head start, as tickets often sell out.

Hope to see you at the festival!

New “noise” mailing list created

For several years, film promoters have contacted me with free passes to local screenings of upcoming films.  Often these passes come in paper form, and I bring them to the club meeting on Sunday and distribute them there.  But increasingly the promoters are using email to distribute these passes.  I’ve always been REALLY reluctant to pass this information on to the newsletter list because I know not everyone is interested.

I decided to create a second mailing list called “noise”, to which I will forward these pass opportunities as well as some news about other small film events around Boston (such as the Coolidge’s “Science on Screen” events).  If this is something you are interested in, there are two ways to subscribe:

1) Send an email to snfc-bos-noise+subscribe@googlegroups.com and follow the directions in the auto-response you receive.

2) Visit https://groups.google.com/group/snfc-bos-noise/ and click “Join this group”.

Mailing List Moving

For a variety of reasons I have decided to move the mailing list to a Google Group.


If you have a Google (Gmail) Account you can subscribe to the mailing list here:
http://groups.google.com/group/snfc-bos-announce (click on “Join This Group”)

Otherwise you can subscribe to the new list via email by sending a message to:

If you no longer wish to receive the newsletter, simply take no action, you will be automatically unsubscribed.

If you are still interested in the club, but aren’t interested in the email newsletter, there are several ways to keep track of us:

Incidentally, Twitter is a great way to receive “same day” updates about the club. For instance, a few weeks ago a power outage took out the Kendall Square Cinema on Sunday and we had to cancel the club’s meeting, and Twitter was one of the primary ways to communicate this. The week of “Inception” the film sold out early, but anyone reading our twitter feed knew that several club members who didn’t get tickets went to see “Despicable Me” and the two groups met up afterwards. Twitter allows you to receive these updates on ANY cell phone which has SMS (“Text Message”) support.

Hope to see you at a Sunday soon!


P.S. I know Murphy’s Law well, so in case there is any trouble getting the newsletter out to the new group, I’ll mention that we’ll be seeing “Valhalla Rising” this Sunday at the Brattle @ 7:30pm. :)

ATTENTION: Power Outage at Kendall Square Cinema!!

Thanks to one of our mailing list members, I have just been informed that the Kendall Square Cinema is presently closed due to a flooding-related power outage.  They don’t know when they will be able to reopen.

I will make a final decision at 5pm as to whether or not tonight’s club meeting has been cancelled, but things aren’t looking good.  Check our webpage or twitter after 5pm for the final verdict.