The Boston Sunday Night Film Club is taking this Sunday, September 4th off for Labor Day weekend.
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No Movie This Sunday, August 21st
The Boston Sunday Night Film Club is taking this Sunday, August 21st off. Given we are in ‘summer vacation’ season, as well as with the COVID situation, expect the club to be a little ‘spottier’ than prior years.
No Movie This Sunday, July 3rd
The Boston Sunday Night Film Club is taking this Sunday, July 3rd off. Given we are in ‘summer vacation’ season, as well as with the COVID situation, expect the club to be a little ‘spottier’ than prior years.
No Movie This Sunday, June 26th
The Boston Sunday Night Film Club is taking this Sunday, June 26th off. Given we are in ‘summer vacation’ season, as well as with the COVID situation, expect the club to be a little ‘spottier’ than prior years.
No Movie This Sunday – 5/22
Due to lack of host availability, the Boston Sunday Night Film Club will not be meeting this Sunday, May 22nd.
No Movie This Sunday – May 15th
I came home with some kind of illness, so the Boston Sunday Night Film Club will be taking another week off.
IFFBoston 2022 Selection – 5/1 – NAVALNY
The SNFC movie during IFFBoston 2022 will be NAVALNY at 5:45p at the Brattle on 5/1. Get tickets now!
No Movie This Weekend – April 17th
Between the Easter holiday observed by some members and a lack of movies that caught my eye, we’ll be taking this weekend off. But the plan is for the film club to return ~weekly as long as it is safe to do so.
Also, the lineup for IFFBoston 2022 has been posted! Tickets go on sale soon, so keep an eye on (and follow them on the socials and/or sign up for their mailing list). Once the schedule is announced I’ll post here with the film club selection for festival sunday.
IFFBoston 2021 (is Virtual!)
Greetings, all! I hope you all have been well and that you’ve had a chance to get vaccinated (assuming you are able to)! I’m really looking forward to seeing you in the next few months as we start to reenter some approximation of normal society! I’m not exactly sure when the club will return, but it seems sooner than it has in a long while.
Until then, I come bearing news: Our friends over at the Independent Film Festival Boston is about to begin its 2021 festival, which due to COVID-19 is 100% virtual this year. But it is no less ambitious than the usual Spring extravaganza, and a welcome return after having to skip last spring!
Tickets are on sale now, and the lineup looks great! It seems like most (all?) of the offerings have a 48-hour streaming window, so it should be somewhat easier to fit the festival into your plans.
It has been suggest that we have a follow-up club zoom after the festival to discuss it, and I think that’s a great idea. Perhaps we should do it May 23rd (to give stream stragglers a chance to catch up)? Leave a comment below if you’re interested in that. And if you have opinions about how the club should return to in-person events please leave a comment too!
IFFBoston Fall Focus and Long Time No See
I sent a note a few weeks ago letting you know about the IFFBoston Fall Focus, which is currently in full swing. There are six films available for you to stream right now (and you will be able to continue to screen them for a few days, details at
I originally suggested we get together for a video meetup tonight, but I dropped the ball on that. So let’s have a video meetup next Sunday 11/8 at 7pm.  We will use the same Jitsi meeting link that we used a few months ago. I sent that out (and will again) on the mailing list, but if you need it just reach out! (I’m avoiding posting it here to reduce troll potential)
Hope to see you there!